"OMCI RIGTECH is an ABS certified ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 14001: 2015 company"
OMCI RIG TECH is fully committed to meeting the Company’s HSE Policy. All our business and operational activities are planned and executed in a manner which shall minimize all identifiable risks, and aim to guarantee the safety of its employees and other stakeholders, and at the same time minimizing the risk to the environment. The Company provides a safe and healthy working environment for its employees and acts positively to prevent injury, ill health, damage and loss arising from its operations, as mandated by the Company policy.
OMCI RIG TECH is committed to:
- Comply with the Company’s internal HSE Policy at all times
- Comply with laws and regulations on HSE, which apply to its activities and which are enforced nationally and internationally.
- Ensure that all personnel understand their specific HSE responsibilities, and adhere to compliance with the same.
- Maintain necessary knowledge of standards, legislation and codes of best industrial practices.
- Provide employees with the familiarisation of the Company and Client HSE regulations, detailing the gaps and bridging the same.