OMCI RIG TECH follows a ZERO DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY at work locations.
Consumption and possession of alcohol is STRICTLY PROHIBITED, and is cause for immcdiale dismissal and severe disciplinary action. Over the limit for any company employee is defined as more than 0.00% Blood Alcohol Content (BAC).
The use and possession of controlled drugs by individuals whilst at work or on work premises is forbidden at all times unless taken on prescription. Excessive consumption of prescription or non-prescription drugs is prohibited. Anyone in breach may be subject to disciplinary action (which may include suspension or termination of employment) or criminal proceedings.
The consumption of alcohol off site during the normal working day (e.g. work breaks) is strongly discouraged. It is particularly unacceptable when undertaking duties that include, but are not limited to, driving, the use of machinery and electrical equipment, working at heights or in confined spaces, handling hazardous chemicals or other dangerous substances. The Company will take appropriate disciplinary action against anyone whose performance, or work activities, are compromised by alcohol consumption.
Dereliction of duty resulting from intoxication, including causing destruction or loss to an installation/asset or any property thereof, or endangering the life or safety of any person at the workplace, shall render the person liable to penalties under the relevant rules and regulations.
(Chairman & Managing Director)